How To Achieve Body Goals Without Exercise?

According To FDA Philippines, your calorie intake in a day varies with your gender, age, weight and activity level. But the most common number is 2,000 Calorie diet.

First and foremost! Do the math. In order to Achieve your body goals, reducing your weight means you need to create a deficit in your daily Calorie intake. How to do it? Then read on......

  • If you are addicted in cola and sweet juices, definitely your calorie intake is exploding and might be a very reason of your weight gain. Every bottle and every glass of cola or sweetened juice drink is about 100 calories. So if you can consume 8 bottles of it in a day, that's already 800 calories.
    • How to create a deficit? Forget cola and juices and replace it with water alone.
  • If you eat with a plate full or rice and dishes means you don't really care about your calorie intake. 1 cup of rice is about 380 calories and 1 part of a chicken is almost 500 calories.
    • How to create a deficit?  (Do not go beyond 2000 calorie /day. If you can consume around 1700 or 1800 calorie a day then that's great!) Take a look with this example;
      • drink 1 to 2 glasses of water, eat only about 1/2 cup of rice then enjoy 1 part of the chicken. Instead of taking 880 calories, you will only consume approximately 690 Calories!
Our Main Objective is to lessen your calorie intake daily so try to reduce the amount of food intake for every meal little by little. Eat a balance diet and choose a healthy lifestyle.
  • If you can make at least 500 calorie intake every meal and three times a day. You can create a deficit of 500 cal. everyday. 
  • If you want to ensure that your body has enough nutrients intake and want to improve your metabolism. I Highly Recommend the Vita Green Tea.

    • Vita Green Tea is sweetened by 100 % Natural stevia 

      •  Stevia has no calories, and it is 200 times sweeter than sugar in the same concentration. Other studies suggest stevia might have extra health benefits.
      • Today, stevia is part of the sugar substitute market. According to the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) high-purity steviol glycosides, an extract of the stevia plant, is considered generally safe for use in food. 
    • Vita Green Tea will help you lose weight and boost your metabolism without the harmful side-effects of fad diets and toxic chemical juices.
    • Contains EGCG and L-Carnitine, the gold standard in fat burning, plus Seaweed Extract to complete the trifecta for guaranteed weight loss and weight control so you can get the body you deserve! 
    •  Metabolism Booster
    • Natural Fat Burner
    • Rich in Antioxidants
    • Sweetened with Stevia
Do you want to try it? Visit Their Website at HairTastic Shop, buy online and it will be delivered to your doorstep!

Other places to buy Vita Green Tea


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